I love older homes. They have a soul that newer homes are lacking, but one of the biggest issues you will find with older homes is the severe lack of storage!

So lets find some ways to remedy this.

Older homes typically didn’t have built-in robes, linen closets & kitchen cabinetry to the ceiling. They used freestanding pieces of furniture which could be moved if necessary to store all their items. If you are renting, this may be your only option to find ways to store items.

Furniture Storage

Try to keep the items in the room they are used for. This saves time when trying to find them.  For example, keep your bed linen in the bedside table drawers or under the bed in storage containers. For lounge rooms, have your items in the coffee table drawers, or in a storage box which can double as a seat. This type of storage box is great for any entry to put shoes on, but also store shoes in to keep the place neat.

If you have no wardrobes in your bedroom, add a freestanding wardrobe. The old fashioned ones you find at Op Shops are usually dark & dated. These can easily be transformed with a coat of white enamel paint & converted to add drawers when needed. Once they are painted they are far less imposing & dated looking. Or if you want a much more modern approach, you can build your own flat pack design from places like Ikea to perfectly fit your space. The best part is, you can take it with you when you leave the house!

Wall Hung

If rooms are smaller in size, add items to the wall. Have your television hung on the wall, or add mirrors instead of sitting them on a chest of drawers. Consider unused areas like the back of the door to add hooks & hang jackets or jewellery.

Add shelves to display items or add more storage baskets. Just make sure that these shelves are not in a walkway or an area which you may hit your head. These are great in laundries with baskets to keep the items neat. Add hooks or rails underneath for quickly hanging items when using the room.

In the Wall

If this is your home & you can alter the structure, consider inside the wall cavity. Wall Niches in bathrooms are a modern & useful way to gain space in the shower. Wall niches can be used for displaying items in lounge rooms or entryways rather than having furniture it rests on. Recess your television into a cavity as well, & have the system rigged wirelessly to eliminate the need for dvd players or speakers on a television unit.

Think of any area of the home structure which sits empty. This may be inside the staircase, the kickboard of the kitchen cabinetry, the ceiling cavity or under the floor. Trap doors, ceiling cavity ladders & pull out drawers from under your cabinetry may sound a little strange but the capacity of storage in these areas is vast, & may answer all your storage worries!

On Display

You don’t have to hide everything. Life can be on display. Maybe you love wine, so have a small wine rack on the kitchen bench & use the top as a shelf for your coffee machine. Wall mount your coffee cups or fruit bowl to have them off the bench. Use a tray on top of your ottoman or sofa to have a coffee table instead of adding another piece of furniture.


The best way to have more storage space is to have less stuff. Maybe consider if you need everything you have & cull a few items. A good spring clean out can make all the difference to your home & can clean out a little mental clutter & stress as well.

For more ideas on how to renovate or decorate your home see these free blogs –

Styling to Sell your home – https://www.interiordesigneralbury.com.au/styling-to-sell/

The Top Interior Design Elements – https://www.interiordesigneralbury.com.au/the-top-interior-design-elements/

Colour Proportions in your home – https://www.interiordesigneralbury.com.au/colour-proportions/

Renovation Procrastination – https://www.interiordesigneralbury.com.au/6-years-of-procrastinating/





Storage for Older Homes