What does your office set up say about your business?Google Office Cambridge

We are so used to thinking about our marketing, our social media, our personal presentation, but what about our office presentation?

Looking around now can you see computer cables & overflowing filing cabinets? Stacks of paper, uneven flooring & unappealing lighting?

You don’t have to go all out & have an interactive space like at Google Headquarters with bean bags, indoor grass or hammocks. But does your office show who your business is? Does it inspire your team or just soak up all their energy? And this could be losing you business!

Before you say – “we’re in a rented space so there’s not much we can do” you could be amazed of the difference you can make with small changes.

So how do I start?

Think about your business. What are your Values? What do you stand for?

Then consider who you need to speak to. Do you deal with the general public or is this just for your team?oFFICE dESIGN

If this is for the general public, invite someone in to look at your office from a critical point of view. You see it all the time & become blind to the possibilities, whereas a new pair of eyes may catch simple alterations.

If this is just for your team, or a combination of both, you need to consider inspiration. What will engage with your team & clients? Do they need more comfortable seating, inspirational artwork, a better desk configuration, more storage, softer lighting? Also don’t be afraid to ask them. They usually know what may help them do their job better & may love to be included in the process.

Of course, if you really get stuck there are Interior Designers out there to help. These people are trained to look at the flow of the space, the inappropriate lighting & possibilities to really bring out the personality of your business. It is YOUR business so you can ask for a more cost effective design solution rather than a large renovation or expensive change. Also this whole process would also be a Tax Deduction so you don’t have to worry too much about the price.

Don’t be afraid to ask the question.

Your office presentation can gain you new clients, keep existing clients & also make for a more productive & happy work environment.

For more information on getting the most out of your consultation with a Designer see this blog – http://www.mystereedesigns.com.au/5-tips-to-get-the-most-out-of-your-interior-designer/


For other great free Interior Design tips –

What is Contemporary Design? – http://www.onlineinteriordesigner.com.au/what-is-contemporary-design/

Environmental Design – http://www.onlineinteriordesigner.com.au/environmental-design/

Sheen Levels with Paint or Cabinetry –http://www.onlineinteriordesigner.com.au/low-sheen-gloss-satin-what-does-it-all-mean/

How to get the Scandinavian Look – http://www.onlineinteriordesigner.com.au/scandi-style/

The Top Interior Design Elements – http://www.onlineinteriordesigner.com.au/the-top-interior-design-elements/

How to heat your home this winter –http://www.onlineinteriordesigner.com.au/how-to-heat-your-home-this-winter/

How to get the Industrial Look – http://www.onlineinteriordesigner.com.au/how-to-get-the-industrial-style/

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